Railway System: Reverse module V-type

pw180114 A train runs into the reverse unit. When the train stays at the reverse unit, a point at the turnout track is changed. The point switching is driven by a motor on the train. The running direction of the train is reversed. After the train goes out of the reverse unit, the train runs on the branched track. The following photograph and video show the minimum layout using the Reverse module V-type.
Components of the minimum layout using the Reverse module V-type:

Instructions and MPD files for the components of the minimum layout using the Reverse module V-type
A18010_TrainUnit Instruction [PDF] A18010_TrainUnit [MPD] A18010_inst_cover A18011_TrainReverseUnit Instruction [PDF] A18011_TrainReverseUnit [MPD] A18011_inst_cover A18013_TrainLoaderUnit Instruction [PDF] A18013_TrainLoaderUnit [MPD] A18013_inst_cover A18014_TrainUnloaderUnit Instruction [PDF] A18014_TrainUnloader [MPD] A18014_inst_cover   The reverse module V-type consists of the reverse unit and the following parts. Please use the following photographs as the instructions for building the reverse module.   pw180117pw180112 The rotor in the reverse unit must be modified from two-wings to four-wings. pw180115pw180116 2018/7/16 MPD files were added.